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Tag Archives: Emergency Training

Fire Prevention Tips You Should Always Remember

While fire can be helpful in certain ways, such as when cooking, an uncontrolled one can endanger lives and properties. Here are some fire prevention tips from Strategic Educational Consulting, LLC that you should consider remembering. Invest in quality smoke alarm systems A small smoke, if left unattended, may already grow into flames. A smoke … Continue reading

General Tips in Preparing for a Disaster

A disaster can happen at any time. Any kind of disaster needs preparation to ensure the safety of all individuals. That is why many companies have their staff and employees undergo Disaster and Risk Management Training. Through this training, they will know what to do when a disaster strikes. Here are other tips you can … Continue reading

5 Important Things that Must Always Be in Your Emergency Kit

Surviving natural or man-made calamities is not as easy as how they show it in the movies. Often times, there will be no superhero figure who will miraculously emerge and pick you up. In real life, it will just be you and your family. To survive these unimaginable but very possible scenarios, you have to … Continue reading